Pink House No.1 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

A temporary shelter for women who need a place to stay during their treatment.

The Pink House is the new home of AAlemFre PinkHouse Cancer Foundation (APCF) in Addis Ababa.

It is a temporary shelter for women who need a place to stay during their treatment. While staying at our shelter, we provide the necessities for the treatment such us food, transportation, and counseling.

ABCF pinkhouse

AlemFre PinkHouse Cancer Foundation (APCF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Ethiopian women abroad and at home, who are burdened with financial need to access screening, diagnosis, and treatment for breast cancer. APCF is also devoted to guiding Ethiopian women to optimal health through increased awareness about breast, Cervical, and other cancer and diseases associated with cancer.

Vision in building the new Pink House in Gondar (2000 acres)


Press Release-ABC Foundation