Press Release-ABC Foundation

One month ago, Alemtsehay Breast Cancer(ABC) foundation collaborated with  FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics through KILELE Health, Nairobi, Kenya. Through this collaboration, we conducted a focus group discussion to understand communities’ perceptions of cervical cancer and the acceptability of the new screening strategy using self-sampled HPV-DNA testing at the community level.

Such kind of meaningful engagement of the community shall support the call to action to Eliminate Cervical Cancer.

We shall continue to share some of the outputs from engagements with the community

We thank Dr. Muluken Gizaw for taking the lead by representing the ABC foundation.

ABCF pinkhouse

AlemFre PinkHouse Cancer Foundation (APCF) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping Ethiopian women abroad and at home, who are burdened with financial need to access screening, diagnosis, and treatment for breast cancer. APCF is also devoted to guiding Ethiopian women to optimal health through increased awareness about breast, Cervical, and other cancer and diseases associated with cancer.

Pink House No.1 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia